Friday 3 September 2010

Blog’s Stats and Popular Posts – Two New Official Widgets Added To Blogger Blogs

On July 1st, 2010 blogger launched the Blogger Stats feature to Blogger in Draft. After receiving the feedback from the users they’ve made some improvements to the stats feature and today they officially released two new widgets – Blog’s Stats and Popular Posts which you can add to your blog.
The two new widgets are going to be very helpful for blogger users as they do not need to use any other codes and scripts (Which slow down the loading speed of the blogs) to show theirstats and popular posts to their readers.
Both of these widgets automatically take the data generated by the Blogger stats. To use thesewidgets, you can simply go to Design -> Page Elements and then click on “Add a Gadget“.
The Blog Stats’s widget displays the total pageviews of your blog. You can choose the style of the stat’s widget from various available styles.
The Popular Posts widget as the name suggests helps the blog author to quickly display the popular posts of his/her blog. This gadget also supports different styles and configurations.
Both of these widget are still available on Blogger in Draft.


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